How To Improve Some Skills , Ensure Workplace Success And Career Growth
Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to speak up, but the fear of what people at the workplace would think silenced your voice?
Have you ever decided to let someone go down the wrong path because you were afraid of how people would look at you for disagreeing?
You are not alone
The issue of being assertive is one that many people struggle with in the workplace.
Assertiveness is the ability to honestly express your opinions, feelings, attitudes, and right, without undue anxiety, in a way that doesn’t infringe on the rights of others.
Assertiveness is an extremely beneficial leadership characteristic to have, and these benefits extend to the workplace. For example, being assertive can lead to improved job satisfaction, improve your decision making skills, and help you to gain confidence and self-esteem. However, many people find it very difficult to be assertive. Thankfully, there are ways in which you can conquer your fears and become more assertive, thereby boosting your chances of success within the workplace.
Here’s How To Improve Some Skills , Ensure Workplace Success And Career Growth
Once you’ve found a job you love, or even one at all, you’ll want to do everything possible to be successful in the workplace. There are some factors can affect whether or not you will have workplace success, but, you can increase your chances by following these simple steps.
Here are five tips to help you gain confidence, increase your self-esteem, and promote yourself effectively.
1. Guarantee Workplace Success By Being A Team Player
It is so easy to share your thoughts and opinions, but even harder to listen. When in a team atmosphere, it is important to be an active listener.
This shows both your supervisor and coworkers that you value their thoughts and opinions.
Being a team player also means sharing your ability, knowledge, and enthusiasm.
Don’t take offence to criticism, and if you offer critique, make sure it is constructive.
Ask questions, and find the most efficient ways to do your job.
2. Help Your Manager Meet Goals and Succeed
If you have a manager, supervisor, or Director, you need to make sure you are working as hard as you can for them. My current supervisor and the Director I had before this one (in the same company) have been heaven-sent! You might not be so lucky.
Helping your supervisor meet his/her goals will help you keep workplace success. A lot of times, I do work outside of my job description, but it doesn’t bother me at all.
I am independent so I know what needs to get done and when. Meeting deadlines and being successful makes me feel good. Remember, taking on longer working hours, will not increase efficiency.
3. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
If you don’t know where your strengths and weaknesses are, it will be hard for you to find workplace success.
You should know yourself enough to adapt your skills to the work you do every day.
We often assume that experience equals competence – not true.
Attention to detail and your ability to complete tasks and on time is the key to finding workplace success.
I know what my limits are and ensure that I have a productive workday.
Do you ever feel that no matter how many hours you put in and how hard you work, you can’t seem to keep up with your never-ending growing to do list?
There are many things you can do to increase your productivity, and never feel overly stressed out.
Ever head of the ABCDE Method? The tasks are divided like this:
- A – Tasks that you need to do today (meet deadlines, complete today, top 3 on to-do list.
- B – Tasks that you should do today (email follow up, #4 -7 on your to-do list).
- C – Tasks that you could do today (need to be done this week).
- D – Tasks you delegate to other people (need other people to do).
- E – Tasks you eliminate. You never do them. (why are these even on your list?
No matter how well you plan your day, new tasks seem to magically appear from nowhere.
This system along with a to-do list will help prioritize your work. Check out the Pomodoro Technique. It’s fun!
4. Always Look For Ways To Grow & Improve
We are always learning, right? We also know that we can never stop learning and find ways to do better and do better, both in our personal and professional life.
Attend conferences and go to social events with co-workers so that you can learn and develop relationships. A lot of us here in Europe, specifically Austria, commute to work via train. It is faster and easier than taking your car.
If you want to develop workplace success, why not use your commute time to help you?
Spend that time listening to an audiobook or a podcast that is about a specific topic that will help you improve an important skill or gain knowledge that will give you an advantage at work.
5. Attitude Is A Small Thing That Makes A BIG Difference
Attitude and soft skills are valuable and crucial to workplace success.
Skills like communication, the ability to prioritize work, having a positive attitude, being a goal getter, and taking initiative can all go a long way in being successful in your work environment. Soft skills are characteristics and behaviours to help you to work effectively and harmoniously with colleagues.
The more you practice your soft skills, the more you will improve.
Examples of soft skills in the workplace:
- Technology
- Self-management
- Teamwork
- Problem-solving
- Learning
- Communication
- Planning and organizing
- Taking initiative
Are you struggling at work right now and have no idea what to do?
I hope you will implement these simple and easy ways to increase your chances of workplace success. Be willing to accept challenges. Whenever you are unsure of any task given to you, ask for clarification.
If you are on the sensitive side, remember that accepting direction or receiving criticism does not mean you are doing badly in your job. Use it as motivation to do better.
Feel free to be creative when you solve problems.
A sense of humour is usually appreciated but always maintain a professional attitude.
A successful career doesn’t happen without putting thought into it. It needs planning, tending, and review.
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What do you do to increase your chances of workplace success?
Do you use any of the above tips? Yes, no? Have ideas to add?
I would love to hear them. Please share with me in the comments section below.
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