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Amazing Ways Becoming a Parent Will Change You

There aren’t many things in this world that will change a person as much as becoming a mother. Your whole perspective on life, the future and your goals shifts, and you find yourself in entirely unfamiliar territory. “Who is this new person, and where did the old one go?” you might find yourself wondering. How can one small human change another human so completely?

Becoming a Parent,baby,amazing ways

Whether your kids are babies or grown, whether you carried them in your womb or you carried them home in your arms with completed adoption papers, whether you met them at birth, or only met them when your future spouse introduced you to them, being a mom is one of the most amazing experiences in the world. There is truly nothing like it. Here are some of the ways being a mom changes the way you look at life.

So here are the five ways becoming a parent has changed me.
I hope some of you will identify with me.

1. More Empathy

Empathy is the feeling you understand and share another person’s experiences and emotions or the ability to share someone else’s feelings.
I have always had a lot of empathy for others which I learned from having lived in different countries and experiencing other cultures. Since becoming a mom, my empathy level has increased tremendously.
I feel empathy for my little one on a scale I’ve never experienced. My empathy for others has grown, making me a more understanding person.

2. Crying More

Not the “I’m so sad, sob sob, woe is me” kind of crying. I cry when I see cute commercials or a movie with a kid achieving great success. I guess this ties in with empathy.
I also used to love watching Dateline, lol, or other real-life murder mysteries. Since having my little one, I cannot watch a single episode of any such shows.
Television shows that involve kidnappings, murder, sickness of kids are a no go for me. It is just too painful. This is because I can now fully understand, or rather, imagine what the parents of those children go through. Utter and complete hell. My heart cannot take it.

3. Being Spontaneous

Having a baby means you cannot plan everything. You can try but you won’t succeed. It doesn’t work. I learned the benefits of flexibility and spontaneity very quickly.
Assess the situation then decide on what to do.
If you are too worried about being punctual, getting messy or dirty, bending the rules etc, you will find yourself constantly frustrated.
Let go, and see how you can find funny moments and make memories, even in the craziest of situations.
I had to remember this that time we went to Malta on go on a crazy disastrous tour bus…. when you are done reading this post, you can read all about it.
Life doesn’t always work out the way you plan it. You must be able to go with the flow.

4. Letting Negativity Go

Let go of your guilt of not being a supermom. All parents have their moments or bad days.
Kids have bad days too, so don’t get down on yourself.
Feeling guilt from returning to work after maternity leave? Let it go.
I am enjoying being a working mom and you should too!
If you are a stay at home mom or dad and feel you are not perfect, that’s ok.
You are not perfect, no one is. Enjoy the time with your little one. You both deserve it.
We all go through emotional ups and downs.
Let go of the negativity you speak to yourself and replace them with positive affirmations.
You will not only be a better parent but preserve your sanity too.
Feelings follow thoughts; they don’t precede them, so keep a positive outlook on life.

5. Being Happy

I am so much happier since becoming a mom. Being a parent is rich and rewarding.
You get back tenfold everything you put into it. Happiness is a habit, so value what you do.
Savour those great moments and feel grateful for them. You will never get them back.
Kids love to see their parents smiling and laughing.
You’ll discover many new things about yourself as a parent. Things that strengthen you and make you vulnerable.
Being a parent means to forever have your heart walking around outside your body.
Have you experienced any emotional changes since becoming a parent?
I would love to know if you experienced any different emotional changes or any of the ones listed above.

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