Gain Success When You Stop Learning And Start Doing
Your success in life is directly proportionate to your ability to take action and get stuff done.
That is most likely the opposite of what you’ve been brought up to believe. Chances are you’ve been putting more emphasis on the thing that does not necessarily lead to great results – learning.
It is time to stop learning and stat implementing:
We all have goals.
It is normal to assume that the gap between where you are and where you want to be can be closed (or at least minimized) by acquiring more knowledge on a particular subject
You’ve been led to believe that from a very early age. You went from kindergarten to school, from middle school to high school, then to college and the acquisition of knowledge or, good old fashioned “learning”, gets embedded you as a requirement for success.
But there is a problem.
It is not how much you know, it is what you do with it.
Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking
~ Albert Einstein
Try and fail. But hey, if you’re not failing, you are not taking action, which could translate to not willing to push yourself to your highest potential. It can be hard to believe in yourself, but if you don’t how can you expect others to?
So How Do You Stop Learning and Start Doing?
It is more productive to focus on one thing at a time and get it done. You will achieve your goals in a more focused and effective way.
In every moment you are given the opportunity to do something different – every moment of everyday you are offered the opportunity to change. To do better than the day before.
Wouldn’t you rather live your life than spending all day learning how to live it? Don’t let education to get in the way of taking action.
None of us are perfect and we will never be perfect. When you stop learning and start doing, you begin to take action. See results. Don’t worry about not getting it right the first time, most of us don’t.
Or about being perfect ( I am a perfectionist – I know how hard this can be).
Many times I have felt lost, confused. Asked myself if it is all worth it. Do you ever feel that way?
You have to remain consistent. Seeking constant self- improvement, not comparing myself to others. I try to improve a little bit each day. After all, that is what I blog about. I use positive affirmations to get me through some tough days. If you can do the same, you will start to see amazing things happen.
The great thing when you stop learning and start doing is feeling motivated and encouraged.
If you do not succeed on your first try, use that as motivation to gain new strategies to do better the next time.
When you consistently apply what you have learned, you will make progress.
Don’t Let Fear Of Failure Hold You Back
New results do not necessarily mean new knowledge. When you consistently apply what you have learned, you will make progress.
Learning is valuable until it becomes a form of procrastination. A hindrance blocking you from moving forward in whatever goals you have set for yourself.
Fear of failure may make you strive to learn more but not take action. Stop learning and start doing today because there is no “perfect” time. Make “now” the best time.
I lived in fear or failure for way too many years. Sometimes that fear still creeps up, sneaks into my heart, gets in my head- but I am getting really good at sending it away with positive affirmations.
Focus your skills, energy and abilities into the process. Doesn’t matter if you are an actress, an author, a blogger, a nurse, a fashion expert. Work on perfecting your skill.
Constraints Force You To Stop Learning And Start Doing
Time constraints can be very helpful in maintaining focus. If you are committed to the constraints you set for yourself such as goals, timelines and deadlines, you will notice how much easier it is for you to complete tasks – even if you don’t want to.
Have you ever set a deadline for yourself, and on the day it’s due you just can’t be bothered?
Had a hard day at work, too tired? In a bad mood? I can empathize with that feeling. We’ve all been there. Unless there is an emergency, the important thing to do is to complete the task anyway.
Jump over that hurdle and just do it. You will notice after a while that you are even saving time and boosting productivity.
So now it’s time to stop learning and start doing.
Stop reading books, and how-to guides. Stop watching youtube videos, and listening to podcasts. Take action today!
Now, this by no way means you should never learn another thing in life ever again. That would be silly. I am just saying, prioritize and plan.
I have put together a goal setting guide with templates and checklists that will help you put your goals down in one place and prioritize. Grab your guide below.
The worksheets and templates will help you:
- Write down your goals
- Break larger goals into smaller achievable parts
- Track your progress daily
- Create routines that support your goals
Success comes first and foremost from doing. Don’t sit back and plan your garden, instead, sow the seeds, plants seeds of success and watch amazing things happen.
Share with me your strategies for getting motivated and taking action.
I would love to learn how you go about getting things done.
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