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Can’t Be Bothered With Housework? What Do You Do?

This week is so far not off to a good start for me. I’m sick, the boys are sick and the house is a bomb site. I REALLY don’t feel like tidying up and as a result, the chaos is getting out of hand. Yesterday I decided I needed to start somewhere and just do it.


Here are the things I did not do:
  • Laundry – Folded hubby and baby’s laundry then ignored mine
  • Make The Bed – Left the bed the way it was when we crawled out of it 
  • Dishes – Did not load the dishwasher once, left this for the hubby (I enjoyed this)
  • Take the trash out – Another one left for the hubby
  • Clean up all the toys my little one spread out in the living room
One thing I did do: Catch up on A LOT of sleep!
According to new research, women do twice as much housework as men even when they have done a full day in the office.
I hear from a lot of women that their partner does not help them with household chores. Some women even bash their partners to their friends about how “he never lifts a finger, he can’t be bothered with housework”.
Lucky for me, mine does a lot of stuff around the house. HE EVEN COOKS!
Quite frankly, I prefer to do the sh&t myself. I am a control freak. I want it done in a certain way.
When the hubby does the housework, he does a great job.
Sometimes however, I find that I need to do something extra to get it just right (yup – if you have read some of my other posts you will know I am an OCD control freak).
I am a doer and an organizer extraordinaire. There are those moments though when I just don’t feel like it.
Have you ever wished you didn’t have to do housework for just a day, or two? Maybe a week?  Keyword here wish.
Larger home with lots of people, kids, toys, food, need to be cleaned from top to bottom everyday. You do not have the luxury to say you can’t be bothered with housework.
No Need To Make Excuses

My son is currently 9-months old and I have noticed that when you have a baby, people tend to give you a pass for your home not being spotless.
They think or say, “She just had a baby” – Umm not really. LOL. That was almost a year ago!
“You are a first time mom, focus on the baby, leave the chores alone” – SURE!
It is harder to get work done when you have a child that is crawling all over the place.
So I clean, play, clean, feed, clean, dance, clean, put him down for a nap.
Should we use our kids as excuses for not doing housework? Nope. But it sure as hell works!

Five Tips For When You Can’t Be Bothered With Housework

1. Instead of cleaning all day long, designate a basket to put everything in its proper place at end of day.
2. Leave vacuuming and mopping until the end of the day so you won’t have to do this twice or thrice.
3. Clean as you go. This applies mostly in the kitchen. Wipe down the counters while making a bottle.
4. Try cleaning in 10 or 15 minute increments.
5. Learn to multitask – Although as a parent you probably already do this well.
If all else fails – Hire help or have your husband do it — you’ve earned it!
How do you get chores done with kids around? If you don’t have kids and just can’t be bothered with housework, how long do you leave it not done?
Share your tips and suggestions with me in the comments below.

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