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How To Easily Declutter Your Kitchen In Five Minutes

Good news: It really doesn't take that much to make your kitchen feel cleaner — in fact, five minutes is plenty of time for a quick revamp. Because kitchens tend to be some of the smaller spaces in our home, it's not as much work as you may think to tackle a small project that'll make a big impact. Don't believe me? Time yourself as you do one of these tasks — or some other kitchen chore you dread — and you'll find that it goes by way more quickly than you realize.

How To Easily,Declutter  Kitchen,5 minutes

Declutter Your Kitchen And Free Yourself Of The Mess

Do you walk into your home and drop your mail on the kitchen counter?
Is your kitchen counter a place where you leave your handbag, kids school bags, magazines? Does this sound like you and your situation in the kitchen? Appliances, a miscellaneous drawer full of junk. Gadgets everywhere. More wooden spoons than teaspoons. Coffee mugs? Don’t get me started. Ever thought of taking steps to declutter your kitchen?

No need to think about painting or remodelling. You need to declutter your kitchen.
Organizing is not the solution. Anyone can organize, however, this will not get rid of unused items.
The best way to declutter your kitchen when you have some free time is to go ahead and just do it. Do not wait until your kitchen is cluttered with all sorts of things you don’t need or use before you start to think about cleaning.
A great way to start is to clear items away when you have 5 minutes of free time.
Below I listed teeny tiny tasks you can do to declutter your kitchen quickly! I believe in saving time and boosting productivity.
I have divided the checklist into two categories: cleaning and decluttering.

 Declutter Your Kitchen In Five Minutes


1. Wipe clean the stovetop
Yup! This is quick and easy. Wipe it down, get rid of the gunk and there you go!
2. Clean the front of the oven
We neglect this too. This is an easy clean/wipe down which you may have done in even less than 5 minutes. While you are at it, clean the stove knobs too.
3. Clean the kitchen sink
You know you need to do this. Most times we rinse down the sink but in 5 minutes you can give it a good scrub with washing liquid.
4. Clear out your refrigerator
Go ahead and remove old butter, jam, ketchup that is “almost empty” that you have not thrown away because if you turn it upside down you just might get three drops out. Throw away anything that has been in the fridge too long.
If anything in there is expired, then you need a spanking. LOL.
5. Clean the refrigerator
Top of the fridge, front of the fridge, side of the fridge. Need I say more?
6. Dishwasher
Put dishes in the dishwasher or unload the dishwasher. Whichever needs to be done.
Enjoying these tips so far? Pin for later so you have the checklist at your fingertips, or share with others too.


It is easy to declutter your kitchen by clearing and eliminating items hidden out of sight and are not of any use to you.
1. Remove things from the top of the fridge – they are forgotten about, not used, and collect dust
2. Remove things from the front of the fridge – outdated stuff you attached with magnets. Takeout menus, old receipts, etc.
3. Tupperware and food storage – We often lose the lids or the actual bowls, so if you cannot find both so that the set fits, throw it away.
Appliances and gadgets clutter our countertops and take up unnecessary space in your kitchen.
Get rid of any appliances you do not use. If you do not want to throw them away, sell them, or give them to someone who can really use them.I am not saying to get rid of everything all at one go, but look around your kitchen and ask yourself if you need ALL the items in there.
Focus on an item, and if you don’t immediately say “yes I use this often”, then it can go.
If you need to think about it for too long, then out out out it goes!
There you have it. A nice list of ways to clean and declutter your kitchen any and every time you have five minutes to spare.
You will feel better about cooking in a clean clutter free space. Believe me, you will also feel less overwhelmed. A great way to simplify your life.
Look for things you can do every day and you will find that over time, you will get into the routine and habit of cleaning to declutter your kitchen.

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