Signs a Woman Is Attracted to You Sexually & How to Read Them
You may be bummed out, thinking no woman is interested but what if you’re just not paying attention to the signs a woman is attracted to you sexually?
There probably have been hundreds of time where you saw an attractive girl at school, the club, or on the street and though you could have approached her, you got cold feet. You thought she wouldn’t be into you or she’d reject you before you even said hi. But did you notice that she stared at you? Did you notice the small smile she gave when you walked by? You probably didn’t think that those were signs a woman is attracted to you sexually, but they were.
Body Language : Everything You Need to Know to Catch Her Interest Right Away
Body language may be the most important way we communicate – at least when it comes to dating and sex.
The trouble is, most men aren’t sure exactly how to read a woman’s body language or how to project the right message using their own body language.
This cohesive guide will help you learn everything you’ve ever questioned about body language, making you the master of every woman you desire.
When it comes to communication, body language is king.
In fact, over half of what you communicate to other women is not in what you say…but what you do.
And likewise, most of what women communicate to you is through their actions.
But a recent study revealed that most men chronically underestimate how often women want sex — and a lot of this has to do with your ability to read body language.
Most women won’t just come out and say, “I want you to take me home right now!”
But what they will do is effectively “say” it with their bodies. You just have to know what to look for.
Don’t be the guy who thinks, “She just wants to be friends…”
When in reality she wants so much more…
This week, I’m going to show you exactly what to look for so you know how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, and can tell once and for all if she wants to go home with you.
The “Lost in Translation” Phenomenon Stopping You From Solving a Woman’s Mystery
The first step in recognizing the signs a woman wants you is to acknowledge what body language is: A language.
And just like any other language, it’s not something you innately know — you have to learn it.
But learning to recognize a woman’s body language isn’t quite as easy as sitting down at your computer to bone up on your Spanish.
Body language is sexist, and you’re at a disadvantage.
Why Is This So?
Studies have shown repeatedly that women are much better at interpreting nonverbal cues than men.
One particularly interesting study looked at a group of about 300 undergraduate men and women and asked them to identify pictures of women’s body language as friendly, sad, rejecting, or sexually interested.
Before I share the results, take a minute to come to a conclusion on your own.
It’s easy to assume that the men in this group would be more likely to misinterpret all of the cues as sexually interested…
But this wasn’t the case at all.
While it’s true that men were more likely to misinterpret a friendly cue as a sexually interested one, men were also more likely to misinterpret a sexually interested cue as a friendly one!
Another interesting tidbit: The men in the study were also more likely to confuse sadness with rejection.
Your brain might be hardwired to want sex, but it’s not hardwired to recognize when a woman does and doesn’t want it.
This vast difference in ability to accurately interpret body language has been dubbed the “Lost in Translation” phenomenon, but you don’t have to feel “lost” anymore.
How to read the signs a woman is attracted to you sexually
See? See how the smallest sign matters? Women are more likely to be low key and subtle when showing signs of interest compared to men. Men usually approach a woman rather than the other way around. So, she lets out subtle signs in order to show you it’s okay. Yes, you can approach her.
In fact, that’s what she’s wanted you to do this entire time. But, what are the signs a woman is attracted to you sexually? I’m going to show you now. They may be subtle signs, but they’re there.
#1 Eye contact. It’s not always true that looking at someone automatically means they’re interested in you. I mean, it could be you look at them because it’s normal social behavior. However, if a woman is interested in you then you receive prolonged eye contact from her. Which means she stares at you just a little longer than usual. If she’s not into you, she avoids looking at you.
#2 Preening. If she’s into you, she wants to look her best around you. So, she spends some time getting herself prepped and pretty. Plus, she’s nervous so that also causes her to preen herself. She’ll fix her hair, make sure her lipstick is on point and that her shirt isn’t wrinkled. These are small, yet powerful acts.
#3 She sits close to you. Unless she absolutely must sit close to you, but if she doesn’t and she’s in your personal space, it’s a sign. If there’s plenty of room, yet, she squishes herself next to you, she’s into you. If she wasn’t into you, you would never have the chance to touch her.
#4 She laughs at your jokes. You may not be a comedian, but she finds whatever you say hilarious. One of the best signs to pay attention to is if she laughs at your jokes. Women love a man who makes them laugh, but your jokes probably aren’t even that funny. Why is she laughing? Because she likes you, that’s why. If she laughs, she’s enjoying your company.
#5 She’s all about her neck and mouth. Who thought she’d be into herself in order to get your attention? Well, it’s true. If she touches her neck, mouth, and lips, this is called autoerotic touching. What this means is that she touches herself in places she’d like someone to touch.
This strong message probably arouses you as well. I mean, if you like her, and she licks her lips, how can you not be aroused?
#6 She touches you. Now, here’s the thing. If we aren’t attracted to you, we’re not going to touch you. It’s that simple. But if she finds a way to touch you playfully when she laughs, tries to hug you, touches your hair or hands, well, she wants to get closer to you. She works her magic with her powers of seduction.
#7 She mirrors you. I know this sounds a little too pantomime, but it’s true. People attracted to others mirror the other person’s actions. So, if you grab your cup of coffee to take a sip, she does the same. We do this subconsciously because people like people who act similar to them. So, mirroring is essential.
#8 She asks you personal questions. It’s easy. If we don’t like you, we don’t care about your personal life. But if we’re into you, we want to know everything. What you do on the weekends, where you go out, who your friends are, we want to know you. By asking you questions, we build a bond with you, adding emotions to the relationship.
#9 She starts the conversation. Unless you notice she only talks to you when she needs you, then, that’s different. But if she goes out of her way to start a conversation with you, she’s most likely attracted to you. Women attracted to men go out of their way to initiate conversation.
#10 She talks about her sexuality. She won’t discuss this with guys she’s not interested in, but with you, she has no problem opening yourself up. If she opens up and expresses her sexual desires and fantasies with you, it shows that she’s comfortable starting a sexual conversation with you. This is a hint she’s into you if you didn’t get it by now.
#11 She wants to hang out with you. There is no way a woman wastes her weekend with a guy she’s not into. No way. If she likes you, she spends every hour of the day with you, but if not, you never see her. So, if she wants to hang out with you, it’s obvious that she’s interested in you. If you like her, don’t let this opportunity slip.
#12 She puts effort into her appearance. Some women have a face full of makeup all the time while other women only wear makeup for special occasions. But you may be able to notice if she puts in more effort in her appearance when you’re around. Maybe the clothing she wears is sexier or she wears heels around you. Pay attention to these small changes.
#13 She invites you over. Now, this doesn’t mean you get laid and this shouldn’t be your assumption. But her inviting you over is a sign that she’s allowing you into her intimate space. This doesn’t mean you should make a move, but this is the opportunity where you speak more openly and relaxed with her.
#14 She makes a move. Now, if she goes in for a kiss or takes her clothes off in front of you, that’s a very solid sign she’s interested in you sexually. I mean, you can’t really get more obvious than this. She’s now taking matters into her own hands. No more waiting for you to do something.
Women Want Sex More Than You Think
Another study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology last month revealed that women want sex much more often than most men think.
“Why does it matter that women want sex more often if I’m not even sure how to tell if she wants me in the first place?”
It’s simple.
By understanding that you might naturally underestimate a woman’s sex drive, you give yourself room to correct for it — not to mention that when you do recognize she wants you, you’ll know what to look for so you can have sex more often.
In short, you need to learn to recognize the important sexual body language of women and specifically learn how to read women’s body language.
The study examined couples who have been in long-term (three or more years) relationships, and what they found might surprise you.
According to the results, men chronically underestimate how often women want sex, and women aren’t very good at directly communicating their sexual desire to men.
The study revealed that when women do want sex, they communicate it in indirect ways, most commonly through women’s sexual body language..
For example, a woman might make what sounds like a “joke” about a sex scene in a movie the two of you are watching…
But in reality, that’s her way of coming on to you!
So not only is it especially tough to interpret women’s sexual body language, but you might also be underestimating how often she wants to have sex with you.
It Gets Worse…
You might be wondering why men and women have so many communication issues when it comes to sex.
After all, this is something both you and the woman you’re interested in are biologically hardwired to want, right?
Remember we mentioned that men in the body language study were more likely to confuse sadness with rejection?
Well, in the study of long-term couples mentioned above, men were more likely to underestimate their partner’s sex drive when they were trying to avoid rejection themselves. It’s basically a defense mechanism, but it’s one that ends up hurting you in the end, all because you misread women’s sexual body language.
So if you’ve been rejected over and over…
Or even if you’ve had just one bad experience…
It might be getting in the way of you recognizing the signs a woman wants to sleep with you!
It’s not impossible to overcome these disadvantages. In fact, we’re about to show you the exact signals to look for.
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